Friday, November 2, 2012

More Great SEO & Social Media Tools to Help Market Your Business & Even Have FUN with!

As some of you know I compiled a list of my My Top 10 Content, SEO and Social Media Tools and Websites. However, I could not just stop there because if I did, I would be depriving you of these 5 Awesome SEO, Social Media Marketing, Video Making and Blogging Tools:
  1. One of my more recent discoveries and also one of my favorite tools for Social Media, specifically Twitter is a new site called Twylah, which I wrote about in my blog on Linking your Social Media accounts. Twylah, still in its beta stage, compiles all of your tweets and brings them to life on your very own automatically generated web page. It turns the somewhat boring news feed style format of Twitter into an interesting webpage with pictures, links, posts etc. all based on your hashtags, links, mentions, blog posts, retweets and more.
  2. copyblogger screenshot
    Copyblogger Tutorials Screenshot taken right from their website  is a highly regarded blog in the internet marketing community that offers great advice and tutorials on content marketing, SEO Copywriting, Email Marketing, Keyword Research, Landing Pages and more. It really is a wealth of information, and the highly detailed, extremely informative tutorials are FREE!
    They also offer a paid monthly subscription to their software called Scribe. I am not going to personally recommend it here, because I have never used it since it is not compatible with Wordpress (the site I build most of my websites on) - but I venture to say it is excellent software for keyword research, SEO, Social Media, etc. I also see that it is very easy to cancel if you are not happy with the service.
    Here is a quote I took write from Scribe
    "Scribe allows for quick and easy optimization, and your content still performs well in social media channels. Scribe seriously rocks."
    Rae Hoffman-Dolan, CEO, Pushfire
  3. Infographics - For some reason I am fascinated by these creative masterpieces, and of course, wrote a whole blog on my love for infographics. I often wish I was more graphically inclined so I could create them myself.
    I would describe an infographic the same way I would describe myself - creative yet analytical. Here you have a chart showing important data that is actually decipherable (is that a word) yet designed to make you WANT to look at it without getting a headache or falling asleep. It's the perfect blend!
    wikipedia infographic
    Wikipedia Infographic

  4. Love this too!! You know how now-a-days all the biggest (and not so big) online companies have these cute, clever illustrated videos - Google does this a lot. Well, now you can have one too! Videoscribe takes your drawings and turns them into videos!! I'm even considering having my 9 year old draw a few things and turning that into a an illustrated video, as well. I'm hearing cheap, yet innovative Christmas gift for the family!!
  5. Love to write? Maybe even considering writing a book (wow, more power to you). Well, now you can actually self-publish it on Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) for FREE. Yup, that's right. Of course, they will want a little piece of the pie once you start selling your online book, but hey - who doesn't?
Once again, I could go on and on and will continue to update and add to my favorite SEO and Social Media marketing tools, tips and websites. So make sure you subscribe to my RSS Feed.

*I only post about sites and tools that I have either used myself or come highly recommended from a colleague or an industry leader.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for posting this seo and social media tools to help your business & even have fun with!. When it comes to internet marketing tools I'm very interested because I want to learn of it. And I'm planning to have a business in the internet that's why I want to have an idea. So thank you for sharing!

    Social Media SEO
